FORLAB mette a disposizione del materiale di studio per diffondere la conoscenza (sia di base che approfondita) sull’utilità dei contenuti multimediali in ambiti investigativi e forensi, così come sulla possibilità delle tecnologie di Multimedia Forensics di gestire in maniera appropriata e di sfruttare efficaciemente questi dati digitali.
I documenti disponibili possono essere sia in Italiano che in Inglese.
Investigating multimedia contents
A. De Rosa, A. Piva, M. Fontani, M. Iuliani, “Image counter-forensics based on feature injection““, in Proceedings of ICCST 2014, IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Oct 2014 With…
Tecnologie di Image Forensics per l’Investigazione di Immagini in Scenari Reali
M. Iuliani, S. Rossetto, T. Bianchi, A. De Rosa, A. Piva, M. Barni, “Tecnologie di Image Forensics per l’Investigazione di Immagini in Scenari Reali“, in IISFA Memberbook 2014 DIGITAL FORENSICS…
Second-Order Statistics Analysis to Cope With Contrast Enhancement Counter-Forensics
A.De Rosa, M.Fontani, M.Massai, A.Piva, M.Barni, “Second-Order Statistics Analysis to Cope With Contrast Enhancement Counter-Forensics“, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, n. 8, pp 1132-1136, Jan 2015 Image forensic…
A video forensic technique for detecting frame deletion and insertion
A. Gironi, M. Fontani, T. Bianchi, A. Piva, M. Barni, “A video forensic technique for detecting frame deletion and insertion““, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and…
Image counter-forensics based on feature injection“
M. Iuliani, S. Rossetto, T. Bianchi, A. De Rosa, A. Piva, M. Barni, “Image counter-forensics based on feature injection““, Proceedings of SPIE 9028, Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics, Feb. 2014,…
Detection and localization of double compression in MP3 audio tracks
T. Bianchi, A. De Rosa, M. Fontani, G. Rocciolo, A. Piva “A Forensic Tool for Investigating Image Forgeries“, EURASIP Journal on Information Security, no. 2014:10, 2014 In this work, by…
A Forensic Tool for Investigating Image Forgeries
M. Fontani, T. Bianchi, A. De Rosa, A. Piva, M. Barni, “A Forensic Tool for Investigating Image Forgeries“, International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, vol. 5, Oct. 2013, pp.…
Countering anti-forensics by means of data fusion
M. Fontani, A. Bonchi, A. Piva, M. Barni, ““Countering anti-forensics by means of data fusion““, Proceedings of SPIE 9028, Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics, Feb. 2014, San Francisco, California, USA…
Reverse engineering of double compressed images in the presence of contrast enhancement
P. Ferrara, T. Bianchi, A. De Rosa, A. Piva, “Reverse engineering of double compressed images in the presence of contrast enhancement“, Proceedings of IEEE 15th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal…
Detection and classification of double compressed MP3 audio tracks“
T. Bianchi, A. De Rosa, M. Fontani, G. Rocciolo, A. Piva, “Detection and classification of double compressed MP3 audio tracks““, Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Information Hiding and Multimedia Security…
A Framework for Decision Fusion in Image Forensics Based on Dempster–Shafer Theory of Evidence
M. Fontani, T. Bianchi, A. De Rosa, A. Piva, M. Barni, “Localization of forgeries in MPEG-2 video through GOP size and DQ analysis“, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security,…
Localization of forgeries in MPEG-2 video through GOP size and DQ analysis
P. Ferrara, T. Bianchi, A. De Rosa, A. Piva, “Localization of forgeries in MPEG-2 video through GOP size and DQ analysis“, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia…
Image Forgery Localization via Fine-Grained Analysis of CFA Artifacts
P. Ferrara, T. Bianchi, A. De Rosa, A. Piva, “An overview on video forensics“, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol. 7, no. 5, Oct. 2012 (published online June…
“An overview on video forensics“
S. Milani, M. Fontani, P. Bestagini, M. Barni, A. Piva, M. Tagliasacchi, S. Tubaro “An overview on video forensics“, APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing, vol. 1, August 2012…
“Image Forgery Localization via Fine-Grained Analysis of CFA Artifacts”
P. Ferrara, T. Bianchi, A. De Rosa, A. Piva, EEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol. 7, no. 5, Oct. 2012 (published online June 2012), pp. 1566-1577 In…